Finally, another blessed time given to me from the heavens; that give light and reason yet to key in my thoughts, no matter how twisted and utterly disdainful they are.
Yet again, the reason for this another preposterous hiatus is my incapability to find the right conditions to churn out drivel. And so, drivel may it result to, I am still in upright and eager capacity to do so. Even through the drivels and the nonsense I relay forth from my mind to the ever curious reader of this isolated blog (if there is such a reader who dares tread upon this blog), the satisfaction and the glory to write again, to return to this world in which I keep my forte, to reopen this bomb shelter that protects such an idle mind from the perils of inactivity.
I shall take the blame for this dilemma; the dilemma of "write or not to write." I agree I do have within the corners of my mind small specks of ideas that, apart from their tininess, have the potentialities and capabilities to expand towards the vast space of the world wide web. But the only problem is impasse of idleness. For it is idleness, I believe, that hinders a surfeit of chunks of thoughts. These thoughts are ready to suffuse itself with billions of other thoughts, influence and persuade the authors of these thoughts and gain ground in an intellectual battle for the Internet.
Winning such a battle seems far fetched. But if only the individual decides to deviate from passiveness, wil he be able to pour his mind into the stream, which is cyberspace.
I will not certainly let my thoughts, ideas, aspirations, philosophies so on and so forth continue to rot in isolated despair, for being deprived of the liberty to invade others minds.
That is my agenda.
This blog will serve that agenda.
And I will ensure that my quest to invade every single Internet user's mind with my drivel. My ideas disguised as drivel.