
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dying and the Like

Death. "The Big Sleep". "The Final Page". "The Sunset". "The Climax". The...The...Well, there are actually numerous metaphorical descriptions of death, but I seem to have forgotten most of them. But I think the one that really appeals to me and stands out as my favorite is that death is an  "Awakening". I believe that life continues even after death. We re-awaken in another world after we passed away from the other we left behind. Death is not merely the Big End. But rather a continuation, a sequel perhaps. We don't merely die, rot away and that's that.We continue on living, in what most of us call the afterlife. Who knows what's in store for us in that other world. Maybe we will finally take never-ending rest  from the worries and problems we had during our stay in the physical world. Maybe we will finally seek eternal paradise.

Beginning right now, as I am writing this blog entry, I have relieved myself from the fear of death. I used to have doubts of  whether or not there is such thing as an afterlife. But when a Tita of mine died on Monday, March 22, 2010, at around 6:00 in the morning, my understanding of death was clarified. Death comes around unexpectedly, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. My family agrees, as well as the rest of the world. Death is a norm. My relatives reminded me that. As a norm, one must accept it as a norm. I hope my Tita accepted it as it was. Her passing was very unexpected. It shocked the whole family tree. But all of us assured ourselves that she is in a better place, a place she may call paradise.

Death comes unexpectedly. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Even Superman (Remember Christopher Reeve?) was not spared from this. I can sense that right now, my Tita expects us to live our lives for a while. And I know she's waiting for us to after another.

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