Everything is crap. The system. The whole social structure. Oh, why must we suffer under such circumstances? It is as if we are living in a decaying world, where society is fucked up by ideologies and political oppression. Where are the real human beings? Where the hell are they? Sitting in their offices that's for sure; and they call themselves leaders amidst the scandals they have committed. Is there such thing as an honest, trustworthy, goody-two-shoes politician? No. Most of them are dead. Turned into greedy zombies that devour everything they lay their disgusting, pig-like hands on. And we don't want a greedy, money loving zombie in any public office now, do we?
The reason why this country is getting crappier every year is that we voted for people who care more about themselves; who doesn't give a rat-ass about the condition of this nation. Like Frankenstein, we are the ones who are responsible for the existence of megalomaniacs.
So, come May 10, as we go to our respective precincts and exercise our right to choose; we must bear in mind that we are voting not for the benefit of the a single person, but for a brighter future for the Filipino Nation.
With that, I will leave a simple, yet provocative message to the voters: "Vote wisely... if not... then we're all going to rot with the dead."
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