
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A New Start

So, June is already here. We all know what that means. It is simply the time where all of us escape from summer idleness and head back to school and burn our brain cells for another academic year. After almost three months, school is coming back around the corner, with whatever it has in store for us; let it be a prosperous and cooperative year with excellent grades, or just another, usual academic year with crappy, vomit-inducing, gut-churning marks.

For me, going back to school isn't always about the grades. It's all about embracing the Philippine educational system. Well, apart from that, since I don't know much about the political side of academia, I am very eager for another year I am going to spend with my college homies. It is true that I miss school for that simple reason. It's been long since I've seen my buddies, so there's a kind of heart warming feeling around me every time I come around that thought.

So, next week, my classes will start. I'll be burning more brain cells than I've burned before because I think that my grades need a boost, lest they need a miracle. Aside from that, I think I need a good start. I promised myself to become more proactive. That means I need to contribute my drawings to the student publication and start attending seminars and events.

That is all I need for this year.

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